Iranian Game Plan

Dry Bones cartoon: Iran, Europe, Appeasement, WMD, Nukes, boycott, ban
"They won't buy": according to the Times of India:
India, China plan sharp cuts to Iran oil imports as US presure mounts

BEIJING/NEW DELHI: "India, China and Japan are planning cuts of at least 10 per cent in Iranian crude imports as tightening US sanctions make it difficult for the top Asian buyers to keep doing business with the OPEC producer.

The countries together buy about 45 percent of Iran's crude exports. The reductions are the first significant evidence of how much crude business Iran could lose in Asia this year as Washington tries to tighten a financial noose around Tehran.

The cuts would add to a European Union ban on Iran oil imports, which comes into effect on July 1," -more

"They won't sell": from FARS Iranian News Agency:

Iranian Oil Minister Issues Ultimatum to EU Members

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi called on the European countries to make a final decision on oil imports from Iran, warning that they will be sanctioned by Tehran otherwise.

"Iran has recently imposed a ban on oil exports to Britain and France as the main two states which pushed the EU to sanction oil imports from Iran.

Tehran's Sunday decision to cut oil supplies to Britain and France came after the EU member states decided to impose a ban on Iranian oil, but said that they would put their decision into effect after six months in a bid to find a replacement for Iranian energy supplies." -more

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