New Year (1999)

January 1, 1999

(1999) Dry Bones cartoon: dogs, New Year, 21st Century, 20th Century, 1999, Shuldig, Doobie,
In 3 days it'll be the first day of 2012.
Today's Golden Oldie is from the first day of 1999.

Mr. Shuldig and his dog Doobie are my favorite characters. I can allow Shudig to express gushy, sweet, and optimistic thoughts knowing that Doobie's blunt realism will rescue the cartoon from a sugary overdose.

* * *
Speaking of "Dog Years", there is an online site on the topic. It begins with:
"A widely held belief is that one dog year is the same as 7 human years. Although that could be used as a very rough guide, it ends up being misleading, especially when used to calculate younger or older dogs. That could be a problem in certain situations such as figuring out pet insurance, or the health of a dog (whether a veterinarian checkup is needed, etc)." -more (includes a dogyear/humanyear calculator

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