The Basics of What I Know About Talking to Hot Girls and People in General

The Basics of What I Know About Talking to Hot Girls and People in General
By Rob Leslie

Be confident but not aggressive. Fearing rejection can cause rejection.

Eye contact is a secret weapon to a person's soul.

Stay interested and engage the person in their positive thoughts involving their life. eg. How did you get involved with... How does someone like you become so...

Being interested and asking questions is good but there is an art of balance in not appearing too nosey. Using the word “why” may seem investigative or borderline aggressive. Using questions with the word “how” tend to work more favourably.

It's not so much how someone feels about you but how you make them feel about themselves. As extremely evolutionary creatures we are all naturally egotistical. more often than not people have a 3 second attention span of tolerance for something that appears to be of no personal benefit to themselves.

Be simple and streamlined.

Make the best out of the situation.

Know when to switch gears. If you don't like what is being said, change the conversation. Change the surroundings and environment.

The ego is not your friend. Create an environment of positive energy with the gift of your interest.

Maintain your value. Disrespectful actions lead to disrespectful thoughts. Eg. A guy can love getting laid on a first date with a girl but it gives her very little value.

Never lie, but at the same time don't offer up too much information.

Don't hold in compliments, but at the same time don't make them up.

It's easy for people not to listen when you don't speak from the heart.

A girl enjoys feeling safe, valued and respected.

Don't apologize or give off feminine energy.

Harness control with confidence and maintain it. Don't always ask first, just suggest or do it.

Adrenalin and any type of physical activity are great primers for passion.

Don't be demeaning. Don't feed negative energy. Be cool.

If it's going nowhere, attempt to make a friend for the moment and end it with any positive thoughts available in the time together.

There is an incredible power in utilizing the art of being interested in someone else during a conversation rather than focusing or caring about your own natural insecurities.

Go out there, have fun, be yourself and pursue your interests.

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