Improvements I Would Like to See Apple Inc. Incorporate into Future Versions of OS X by Rob Leslie


While using QUICK-LOOK in FINDER if you click on a hard drive icon in the FINDER SIDEBAR it will often display a selected file on the hard drive. To be able to view the QUICK-LOOK information specifically for the hard drive itself, it often requires using the mouse or having to switch the FINDER window to icon view [ COMMAND+1 ] to attempt to un-select the item appearing in the QUICK-LOOK window so the Hard Drive space size information is viewable.

Shortcut key for playback and stopping of video with the QUICK-LOOK feature.

While the FINDER's QUICK LOOK [ SPACEBAR or COMMAND+Y ] feature is enabled I would like to see the SIZE displayed on hard drive icons that are selected on the desktop as they are when selected within a FINDER window.

When Opening a NEW FINDER WINDOW by pressing COMMAND+N the new window should open up on the screen where the mouse is currently located. This should also be the case for all new windows in all applications.

An established organization of window arrangements for multiple FINDER windows so they don't appear over each other and are easily viewable and accessible using keyboard commands and the mouse.

Can not MOVE files using a shortcut command. The functionality is there but it has to be done manually by holding COMMAND and mouse dragging or COPYING the files and having to go back and deleting them manually.

The COPYING PROCESS WINDOW is very difficult to find in certain situations. I would like to see it utilized by default within the DOCK so it's progress is viewable at all times.

A way to have the FINDER window always display the entire length of the text for the files as is done by double clicking the small double lined rectangle at the bottom of view space separators in FINDER COLUMN VIEW: COMMAND+3

When using FINDER's SEARCH to find and view files it doesn't show the actual location of the files without having to individually click on them. Also there should be the option to order these files using all of the viewable columns as displayed in FINDER's DETAIL VIEW [ COMMAND+2 ].

A folder tree view to be able to move files more easily without having to mouse drag them throughout multiple popping finder windows.

The ability to COMMAND+TAB to individual open FINDER windows.


Seemingly Random Movement of Windows when using SPACES and windows not being able to be closed in rare cases causing programs such as Final Cut to be closed using FORCE QUIT.

The unpredictability of windows appearing over others while transitioning through SPACES.

When using COMMAND+TAB to switch between software programs, OS X will often not display the working window for the program. Often it is required to double click on the DOCK software icon for that program's viewable window to be displayed when using SPACES.

Whenever a program is selected by single clicking on the DOCK ICON or by using the COMMAND+TAB option the program that is selected should always and consistently open the program's working window on the desktop in all circumstances whether or not SPACES is being utilized. I can't envision what the usefulness is of having the MENU BAR displaying the programs items and not displaying the working window.

When ejecting a hard drive with 2 or more partitions connected to a USB port I would like to see a CHECKBOX option that would allow you to always EJECT ALL without having to display a confirmation window that has to be manually selected with the mouse. I can't understand what circumstances would warrant the need of ejecting a single partition on a USB external hard drive.

During SHUTDOWN. RESTART, LOG-OFF The ability to control programs to default SAVE any open projects that may have changed without having to be manually selected and interrupting the process which then has to be reinitialized. Also the ability to control certain programs to FORCE QUIT by default when they interrupt the process of ending the operating system's current session.


The use of the SPECIAL KEY SYMBOLS: [ COMMAND: ⌘, ALT / OPTION: ⌥, CONTROL: ⌃, SHIFT: ⇧ ] in tutorials and in programs when those symbols are not displayed on the keyboard. It seems inappropriate that somehow everyone should know exactly what those symbols represent. Even Apple uses image files on it's own website instead of using a font to display these symbols. Finding those symbols in a font format can be difficult. I would prefer these symbols were not used at all but if they are going to be used in Apple's Help Documents and other tutorials they should be displayed on the keyboard key they represent.

What is the purpose of the ALT / OPTION KEY having 2 names for the same button? I would prefer it to just be called the ALT key as typing ALT in a tutorial takes less time than typing OPTION.

The DELETE FORWARD KEY on the extended USB Keyboard is displayed as: [ DELETE ⌦ ] which I feel is initially confusing to differentiate from the DELETE KEY. Call it the DEL KEY or switch the name of the current DELETE KEY to BACKSPACE KEY or BACK DEL KEY.

The incorporation of a FN LOCK KEY or option to switch the current FN functions through a shortcut command.


Being forced to import media files using iTunes and iPhoto etc... when they are easily locatable on the hard drive while using certain types of Apple Software. EG. adding a song to a Slideshow in iPhoto only allows linking to music that is imported into iTunes with no option of just selecting the music file.

A right click option to allow a user to remove all UNLINKED music files that have an arrow beside them.

An option to SYNC music to a folder so users who like to organize their music using their actual music files don't have additional steps to take when using iTunes.


Can't view a picture fully before attaching it to an email or uploading to the internet. Not able to open it through the "FINDER" functioning window in internet browsers.

As a photographer I would highly prefer a PICTURE VIEWER with the option to arrow scroll through individual pictures and deleting unneeded photos quickly. Currently I use the the QUICK-LOOK: [ SPACEBAR or COMMAND+Y ] feature which requires me to use the FINDER COVER FLOW VIEW [ COMMAND+4 ] which will sometimes randomly choose an alternative drive location after a photo is sent to the trash by DELETING [ COMMAND+DELETE ]. I have to make sure to press the RIGHT or LEFT ARROW KEYS alternatively to the UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS or I will have to relocate my original order of viewing by searching for it to the best of my memory using the mouse or keyboard.

The ability to execute a shortcut command while going through photos that will allow the selected picture file to move into a categorized folder to separate elite photos from the rest of the photos in that folder. Ideally this shortcut command would create the NEW FOLDER if it did not currently exist. The NEW FOLDER would always be placed within the folder where the photos currently exist. Additionally have a preference option to select a master folder or folder of choice.

WORKING WITH THE iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone

To have the freedom to move photos onto the devices with the functionality of a USB Drive. I feel that iTunes is trying to accomplish an incredible amount of things at once which I find frustrating when I can't understand every individual function that is changing the contents on my hardware device. As a photographer I would prefer a fast and simple solution to copy my portfolio photos in a single execution without the time consuming and questionable actions of iTunes constantly updating and taking a great deal of time for the display of "SYNCING IN PROCESS".

I do not like that these devices are required to be connected to iTunes before they can be used even though they are currently functional.


A USB hardware add-on that would plug into a USB slot and would have a button on it that would enable the EJECT command [ COMMAND+E ] on the hard drive device that is plugged into that USB slot.


COMMAND+ARROW-KEYS and CTRL+ARROW-KEYS do the identical shortcuts when navigating through text. The CTRL+ARROW-KEYS shortcuts ideally would allow a user to move the cursor from each word quickly though this is done by using the ALT+ARROW-KEYS.

While looking through text on STICKIES it would be good if longer notes were scrollable using the mouse scroll wheel.

To be able to self program multiple commands and keystrokes from a user created setting similar to that of a video game key combination.

The ability to customize the opening of programs, utilities and files in a user created list by right clicking over an open area of the desktop. Essentially a text list of favorite programs and files to open on a right click type menu.

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