OS X Innovations and Improvement Ideas from a Multimedia Professional

Current OS X Innovations I Would Like to See Implemented as a Multimedia Professional

Can not MOVE files using a shortcut command. The functionality is there but it has to be done manually by holding COMMAND and mouse dragging.

The COPYING process window is very difficult to find in certain situations.

Way to have finder window always display the entire text of a files as is done by double clicking the small double lined rectangle at the bottom of view space seperators in FINDER VIEW: COMMAND+3

Seemingly Random Movement of Windows when using SPACES.

The unpredictability of windows appearing over others while transitioning through SPACES.

When using COMMAND+TAB to switch between software programs, OS X will often not display the working window for the program.

When searching files FINDER does not show the actual location of the files without having to individually click on them.

Shortcut key for playback and stopping of video with the QUICK-LOOK feature.

Should be able to COMMAND+TAB to individual finder windows.

Picture File Management

Can't view a picture fully before attaching it to an email or uploading to the internet. Not able to open it through the "FINDER" functioning window in internet browsers.

As a professional photographer I would highly prefer a PICTURE VIEWER with the option to arrow scroll through individual pictures and deleting unneeded photos quickly.

I would love it if I was able to execute a shortcut command while going through photos that allowed a specific picture file to move into a categorized folder to seperate ELITE photos from the rest.

iPod, iPad, iPhone Functionality with Photos

Please give us the freedom to move our photos onto the devices with the functionality of a USB Drive in OS X. I feel that iTunes is trying to accomplish an incredible amount of things at once and I get extremely frustrated when I can't fully understand every individual function my device is executing.

As a professional photographer I would prefer a fast and simple solution to copy my portfolio photos in a single execution without the very time consuming and questionable actions of iTunes constantly updating and take a great deal of time to "SYNCING IN PROCESS".

Thanks for your time to read through my list of what I feel could improve the already incredible functionality of OS X.

Rob Leslie
Vancouver, BC
C: 604-617-6051

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